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Being an exceptional kisser isn't just about knowing the rules, even with lots of practice. It's more about the chemistry you share, what you like, and a bit of luck.
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When you focus on your partner while kissing, it becomes a mindful experience, heightening your senses and theirs, making it more enjoyable and fulfilling.
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Getting better at kissing isn't just for beginners—we can all benefit from doing it like it's our main job.
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Being a good kisser doesn't have a single formula—it's as diverse as the individuals who kiss.
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Asking if it's okay to kiss someone might sound old-fashioned, but it can actually be quite exciting. Some might find it even more enticing, knowing you respect their boundaries
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To turn a good kiss into a great one, try making it longer. It's a chance to connect deeply and sync with each other, building genuine intimacy and closeness.
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Ease into French kissing instead of immediately thrusting your tongue. It's a wonderful experience, but introduce it slowly and sensually into your partner's mouth.
Image: Canva
Some people find deep, wet kisses very intimate, but it's better to start slowly. You won't know your partner's feelings unless you ask.
Image: Canva
Explore different parts of your partner's body, not just their lips. Your hand movements during a kiss can intensify the passion without being too intricate.
Image: Canva
Hands are important in kissing. Don't be afraid to ask for what you want. Always check with your partner if you're unsure about touching them.
Image: Canva
Remember, kissing doesn't have to be limited to just the lips.Trace your partner's earlobe or collarbone, then give them a soft kiss.
Image: Canva
If you're into biting, go easy. Watch your partner's cues to see if they're into it, even if you've talked about it before.
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Maintain soft lips and fresh breath. Even if your kissing skills are great, dry or cracked lips can spoil the experience for both of you.
Image: Canva
If your lips are dry, start moisturizing now. Try gently exfoliating with a wet cloth or sugar scrub, then apply balm before bed.
Image: Canva
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